Pizza delivery can be a pretty tough job. Alright, I’m lying, no it can't. Pizza delivery is, by far, the most mindless, skilless job an unambitious person could ask for. Which of course makes it perfect for me. There are some slight drawbacks, however. Driving incredibly greasy junk food to the masses can be a bit mind numbing and to cope with this the mind tends to wander, and sometimes goes to interesting areas. Noticing this, I decided it would be a good idea to keep track of the shit that passes through my head for a few nights and writing them on the back of tickets. Besides discovering that writing while driving at the same time is probably not too wise, I also discovered that I have an unhealthy view on, well, everything. Just see for yourself:
1. My newfound discovery of The New Pornographer's AC Newman's lisp has made their song "July Jones" unlistenable. I seriously think the title should be changed to "July Jonths"
2. Steve Miller Band is music for people who don't really like music. His music is safe enough for mass appeal and its constant air time on “classic rock” stations gives the illusion that Steve Miller is an incredibly important musician. Fact is he isn’t. Steve Miller is for people who listen to “the classics” but are, for the most part, largely out of touch with music. “But Kris,” you say, “Steve Miller is so damn talented.” And so is the man who can do a handstand gargling “Stars and Stripes Forever,” but that doesn’t make it worth listening to. Of course, the modern equivalent of Steve Miller is Dave Mathews, but that’s a whole article in itself.
3. People who give crappy tips but are really friendly are incredibly aggravating. Nothing is worse than coming up to a smiling face and a “How are you, great night tonight, eh?” and then leaving with thirty-seven cents.
4. The release of Paul Simon's album
5. As a child, I had incredibly crappy taste in, well, everything. In 1997, I thought Joel Schumacher’s Batman & Robin was great and I owned the single for Puff Daddy and Jimmy Page’s “Come With Me” (Luckily, I had enough sense to know that Godzilla was terrible). Actually, I think my taste was fine and then hit a sharp decline when I turned eleven. When I was very young I liked Star Wars and Ghostbusters; then, all of a sudden I started to listen to No Limit, wore Jncos, and watched fucking Independence Day.
6. Not enough games rely on lives and continues anymore, it’s all save points and big open ended worlds. I want more bottomless pits and water that kills me with my car jackings and digitized school shootings.
7. Theory: There is at least one Subway restaurant within every square mile of the country. Even in the middle of
8. The two things which make my heterosexuality suspect are my man-crush on Morrissey and my obsession with Williams-Sonoma. I can’t help it; I love asexual animal rights activists and overpriced cookware.
9. I've never delivered pizza to an Asian person. I wonder what that means.
10. There is a little girl on
11. Rhapsody's “Symphony of Enchanted Lands” is 2006’s Album of the Year despite being released seven years ago
12. I feel like I should have a cannon mounted onto my car in order to blow competing company's pizza drivers off the road. Ideally, delivering pizza would be like Twisted Metal but with less hook-handed cab drivers.
13. On
14. The quickest route to depression is to listen to my mix CD entitled "Summer's Dead" while delivering pizza on a Friday night in July.
15. People are most vulnerable when they are peeing. If you need to attack someone, do so while they are relieving themselves. However, such a move does have a high risk of you being peed on in the process.
16. Bowling alleys should only be allowed to play slow depressing jazz. I think it would increase beer sales, and it's sure as hell better than the shit that they play in there now.
17. Black people have a strange affinity towards giant stuffed tigers in their homes and I don’t know why.
19. Out of all the words in the English language, “hackneyed” is the most pretentious. Its general meaning and the fact that it is not commonly found in colloquial speech make it irresistible to English majors, scenesters, and college know-it-alls (See “College Kids” entry). Closely following “hackneyed” in is “ennui,” for the same reasons; and it’s French to boot. You know, this might just be a tie.
20. Who buys Girls Gone Wild videos?
21. Those tiny motorcycles which people ride around are the nerdiest form of transportation. If you aren’t familiar with what I’m talking about, these tiny motorcycles are exactly what they sound like: they are like full sized motorcycles which have been hit by that shrinking ray from that Rick Moranis movie. When a full sized adult rides one down the street it essentially looks like they stole their child’s Kawasaki Ninja power wheels to go to the mall.
22. I wonder if there is an Israeli Dental Association.
23. I went to a Starbucks earlier and ordered a Grande Non-Fat Sugar-Free Iced Vanilla Latte and felt that a part of me had died in the process.